Keep Calm And Meditate

Keep Calm And Meditate

Mindfulness and meditation are two powerful tools in building resilience in children, teenagers and adults.

Mindfulness is about noticing the moment, without judgement. It’s just now.

Meditation is emptying the mind of thoughts, doing and action. Instead of noticing what’s going on it’s about focusing on just one thing or thought.

Mindfulness is more a way of living every day, meditation is more a thing you need to set a time to do.

This week TeeJay focuses on meditation – the benefits, how you can start and what meditation does to your mind and your body.

And the good news is you can benefit from just 5 or 10 minutes of meditation every day.

You can get hold of the The Spark To Your Success book from Amazon


or via the website  and also check out too

Don’t forget to share this podcast (and book!) with all the young people in your life!

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