03 Sep Looking Good!
TeeJay was visited by a beautiful teenager recently who told her one of the outcomes she wants to achieve from their coaching sessions together was to be happy with the way she looked.
It stunned TeeJay because this young woman was simply radiant without trying.
So it’s time for us to examine body image, self worth and self confidence.
Why are so many young people (and the young at heart) struggling to like themselves?
TeeJay looks at this issue and will be exploring more over the next few weeks.
She also wants to hear from you if this is something you’ve experienced.
Email teejay@backontrackteens.com or via the website www.backontrackteens.com and also check out ignition.rocks too
Don’t forget to share this podcast (and book!) with all the young people in your life!
You can get hold of the The Spark To Your Success book from Amazon
Music Credit: https://www.purple-planet.com
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