What is the Great Job Card Game?
The cards share information a bit like a trivia quiz with multiple-choice questions. The cards encourage further learning to discover more about specific career paths and are ideal for teenagers who are planning further education or work-placements.
The card game can be used in a 1-2-1 coaching session or in a group setting and will compliment Travel Guides and Travellers working together as part of the Ignition! Spark to your Success and Career Ready programmes.
The game can be used as part of a discovery session in a 1-2-1 coaching environment. Alternatively, it can be fun and insightful to play with a group of participants as a learning experience or an icebreaker.
Assign the Great Job! Cards to students for research purposes to find the answers using the Internet, a dictionary or reference books, etc.
Several blank cards are provided within the pack. Participants can use these cards to research and record alternative jobs they are interested in to share back to their group.