01 Nov Turn negative thinking on its head to fuel a positive approach to life
Perspective can be everything in life and, as hard as it might sometimes seem, turning a negative into a positive works – it really does.
If you see the good in life, you will find more enjoyment and more reward. Likewise, as tempting as it can be at times, if you look for the bad the only sure thing is that it will seek you out big time!
Negatives and positives can very often be like two sides of a coin and the side you see will depend on your own perspective. Stay mindful of this and try to focus on a positive attitude. Encourage the voice inside your head to be the voice of your best friend rather than your inner critic.
When your best friend offers support what do they say? When everything goes wrong what do they say?
Seek out every positive
Surely in tough times and when you need a little support, your best friend will treat you with kindness, understanding and will nearly always go the extra mile to point out the positives in a situation that hasn’t worked out quite how you want it.
The exam you didn’t pass that forced you to work harder and get an even better grade next time, the job you didn’t get but went on to find something so much better, the partner who broke your heart – only for you to meet your soulmate, the plans that were cancelled but that let you relax and be yourself for a while …
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” Oprah Winfrey
Disconnect from negativity and start afresh
And, of course, the journey from negative to positive would not be complete without the symbolic phoenix (the mythical bird that is reborn eternally) from the flames. Just like a bonfire on a cold November evening gives purpose to old wood, negative experiences give rise to new, positive experiences.
It may be negative feelings of the past you want to shed, feeling out of place but celebrating in your individuality as a young adult, or have you felt pigeon-holed in a life that isn’t you? How many times have you felt like a square peg being forced into a round hole? Take what you have learned and use it to positive effect to inform your new path in life.
Turn negative thinking on its head
You may have found your plans scuppered at some point this year, especially if you’ve been denied sitting your exams, a career direction or an opportunity due to the pandemic. Perhaps you worry about how to fill time at home or what the future looks like. But instead of feeling anxious, turn this into a positive and consider the money you will save and what you can buy, or the chance to watch a new TV series, start a new hobby, reconnect with your family or spend some quality time thinking about what you really want from life – and set some goals.
Where there is a negative there is nearly always a positive, so dig deep and seek it out to face life with a resilient smile and enjoy the moment.
“It’s all in the mind.” George Harrison
Dates for your diary this November
Each month, specific days are celebrated across the globe to mark a cultural, historic, community, charity or fun event, discovery, campaign or person. The Back on Track Teens blog will share two or three days each month for you to ponder on and learn more about should you choose to.
Anti-bullying Week 16th – 20th November
The message for this year’s Anti-Bullying Week is to stand together in strength and be United Against Bullying. Bullying blights lives and can have devastating effects on self-esteem. Promoting the message not to stand silently by but be united to defeat this behaviour is the way forward. If you feel bullied, seek help – you will find the support you need. Parents, teachers, children and community leaders all need to get involved. And don’t forget to wear odd socks on the 16th!
Celebrate your Unique Talent Day 24 November
Is there something that you have a special talent for? It doesn’t matter how small or obscure it is, this is the day to celebrate it. Can you peel an orange in one go? Are you gifted with amazing balance? Do you draw the best doodles? Have a superhero-level sense of smell or do you bake the best cakes? The things that make you unique are always worth celebrating.
Looking to re-energise your life?
We all have times in our life when we’re not sure what our next step should be or, more to the point, what our purpose in life is. Having a purpose and discovering the things we enjoy is what fuels us to lead a better, more fulfilled life.
The Spark Test aims to ignite your passion and get-go and point you in the direction that best suits you. If you need a little extra spark in your life this test will help you to find it by identifying your ‘fuel type’ and indicating how you can take action to feel energised by discovering exactly what it is that you do (or don’t) like doing. Don’t waste time on energy-sapping tasks you don’t enjoy and always turn negative thinking on its head – unlock your spark here.
Choose the life you want to lead – embrace change and be bold
Please do share the results of your Spark Test by connecting with our Spark Test by connecting with our community on social media. Are the results just you? Can you recognise some of the traits? I love to hear people’s thoughts because it’s usually bang on!
If you have any questions and would like further help, please contact me privately by sending me an email.
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