Variety is the spice of life – stepping back out into the unknown

Variety is the spice of life header with teenager listening to music

Variety is the spice of life – stepping back out into the unknown

Variety is back on the menu as the relaxation of restrictions means that people can travel, meet up, see shows and try out new experiences to give them inspiration and fuel their appetite for life.

Fresh experiences and visiting new places, helps you to keep learning and revitalises your mind and soul. The past year has seen a strange mix of uncontrollable uncertainly as the pandemic unfolded, mixed with a strong sense of certainty/lack of variety as people shut their doors, stayed inside and lived a very local life.

This month also sees World Photography Day, which celebrates the power of photography to tell a story and capture a moment in time. Instead of linking photography with an infatuation with selfies, enhanced to give a false finish, Photography Day focuses on how cameras can catch authentic moments that evoke a strong feeling – a far more positive experience.

So why not embrace a little bit of uncertainty and add some fuel to your fire by trying something new, or visiting someone, and capturing some pictures to remember just how great it was when you look back.

“Variety’s the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavour.” William Cowper

Do we really need uncertainty/ variety?

Uncertainty/ variety has been identified as one of the six basic human needs by Tony Robbins. This identifies the need for change and the unknown as part of an overall approach to life that supports happiness and wellbeing.

While an excessive need for variety can lead to people becoming risk-takers, for many people that need can be met through trying new foods, visiting new places and taking new classes.

Right now, however, you may feel surrounded by uncertainty. Is the current situation going to last? Should you wear a mask or not? Will your holiday be cancelled?

“It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform.” Roy T. Bennett

Accepting the challenges and the positives of change

You still need to make individual choices to stay safe. This can be daunting but there are positives in the change as it allows you to try new things and to have the sort of positive variety in your life that will ignite your passions and fire you up to focus on new challenges and to meet ambitions. It’s not all about travel and socialising, although that is great, there are also more chances to take courses to learn new skills or new exercise classes to take. And, of course, you can meet new people – that is always interesting.

As the doors open on a full life once again, embrace change and see what it can bring to you, whether that is new friends, a job, or a life-affirming experience. Keep your eyes, ears and heart open and enjoy every minute.

“The more you get set into your own world, the smaller your world becomes.” J.R. Rim


World Photography Day, 19 August

Embrace the brilliance of photography and take this day as a reminder to capture memories and scenes that will make a positive change. Too much negativity has invaded the world of photographs with manipulated selfies and airbrushed celebrity shots that undermine body image. This is harmful in every way. Instead capture real smiles from real people – people that you love and want to remember the good times with, or issues that really matter to you. Take a picture to draw awareness to a cause you care about or just take a picture of something that matters to you. No-one really cares what they look like when they’re having a good time so take a picture and keep it to treasure, just for yourself, not for judgement on social media – in 10 years’ time you’ll be glad you did. 


International Youth Day, 12 August

International Youth Day recognises the importance of young people (tweens and teens) in shaping a better future for the world and making sure they are involved in, and benefit from, development. Led by the UN, this year’s theme is ‘Transforming Food Systems’, which will focus on meeting global food needs but also sustainability and the impact on the environment. Making a change in the world as a whole, or just in your life is empowering as a young person. If you need help to make a change personally, or want to feel that you are on track to achieve what you want, Back on Track Teens has plenty of resources to support you including meditation and body image eBooks, meditation tracks, blogs and podcasts. Find tools and books to support pro-active change on the Ignition website.


Choose the life you want to lead

Change can be hard for some people while others thrive on it. Recognising what fuels you is part of discovering how to make yourself happy and live the life that you truly want to. 

If you find change hard look for the smaller things you can do to find inspiration and remember you are not alone as you face challenges, plenty of other people are unsure too. Talk to others and find support but keep your mind open to the endless possibilities that could enrich your life that you don’t even know about yet.  

To help discover inspiration read my book The Spark to Your Success, which sets out the steps that will help struggling teenagers find the fuel that lets them enjoy life as they should.

For tips, support and advice – or to share your experiences – join our online community.

Trying new experiences, visiting new place and meeting new people really can change your life for the better so embrace variety instead of fearing change. 

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi

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