23 Nov What happens at a Back On Track Teens Session With TeeJay?
Have you ever wondered what happens during a coaching teens session? Who will be there, what you’re expected to do, or if you need to bring anything? Do you understand the concept of coaching, what the role of a coach is and what outcomes you should expect?
I get asked a lot about what happens at a Back on Track Teens session, so I wanted to dedicate a blog article to run through the structure and address a few common questions.
“Don’t find fault, find a remedy; anybody can complain.”
Henry Ford
Getting the right type of support
Coaching is a method of supporting individuals, groups, families and couples to work on improving themselves in some way by tackling issues faced personally or in their business. Coaching styles and individual coaches can be very different.
If you have been thinking about getting support for yourself or someone you care about, but the counselling route doesn’t quite fit and you’re unsure about coaching options, let me explain how a Back on Track Teens coaching session works when you see me.
First off, I’m not a therapist or a counsellor. There is nothing wrong with these traditional, well-documented professions and they are perfect for some people, but they are not the techniques I practise. I am a coach.
Second, most people will then ask, ‘Are you a life coach?’
No, I am not a life coach although I used to support many people as a life coach and hold multiple life and business coaching qualifications. For me, life coaching and counselling (sorry in advance to all life coaches and counsellors reading this blog article, I do not mean to offend or belittle you because you do an awesome job) wasn’t powerful enough to resolve many of the challenges that I saw young people facing today.
I didn’t think that traditional therapy, counselling and life coaching had the impact and positive outcomes that our young people need to get back on track quickly and sustainably in today’s modern society.
Talking about challenges and asking questions for people to realise their own answers and solutions is a long process. Asking questions of someone who truly does not have the answers is frustrating for them and it can hinder the resolution.
I wanted to implement methods and techniques that were empowering, effective and quick.
In my coaching sessions, I don’t dwell on past challenges or focus on problems by making my clients relive the trauma. I want to identify the problems and reach the root cause quickly to get them motivated and moving again. Together, we find a solution and overcome the challenge as soon as possible.
“When you encourage others, you in the process are being encouraged because you’re making a commitment to that person’s life. Encouragement really does make a difference.”
Zig Ziglar

So how are you different, TeeJay?
I’m a Master Neurostrategist. ‘What the heck is one of those?’ I hear you cry.
A Neurostrategist is a coach who is an expert in understanding how the brain processes information from the outside world and gives it a meaning internally, which then triggers an emotion in response.
Emotions drive actions, reactions and responses that cause behaviours that result in an outcome. This whole process is a sequence of things, events or strategies that we create for coping or thriving in life.
Imagine if behaviour was a recipe. If the recipe is flawed in some way, because of a missing ingredient, too much or too little of an ingredient, incorrect consistency, an oven temperature that is too low or too high … you get the point, then things can go wrong. The outcome of making the recipe is far from the optimal cake or pie or whatever delight was intended.
The same can be said for how you feel about life, situations, people and events.
When you are not getting the outcomes, results or feelings that you desire then you will feel low, angry, frustrated, sad, irritated, anxious, depressed or helpless. But there is a way to change the outcome to a positive one by changing the thoughts and feelings of how your brain processes information from the outside world.
“Opportunities don’t knock, they whisper. So shut up and listen.”
Thomas Leonard
How does neurostrategy work?
Through a process of education that empowers you (also known as edupowerment or edupowering) you can begin to understand what is going on in your mind and how it affects your mood mentally and your body physically.
During a coaching session/s with me, I will show you how to spot the processes that are not effective and give you the tools and techniques to create a new strategy that is effective. Together, we will reprogramme your nervous system so that you can change how you feel and how you show up in the world to be in a positive and empowering way. You can take the skills and tools learned and use them any time you need in the future to achieve the results you want.
It’s about showing how to be in control of your own mind and emotions by taking responsibility for who you are, how you feel and the behaviours you express to the world. It’s also about enjoyment. Through understanding these techniques you will discover how incredible and powerful you really are because of your unique talents and gifts.
“There are no failures – just experiences and your reactions to them.”
Tom Krause
What happens during a Back on Track Teens session?
First, you’ll have an initial pre-coaching call with me. There’s no charge for this first call because it’s an opportunity to get to know each other and ask questions about how it all works.
People like to know what coaching is, whether I can help with their situation and that the process works. This first call is a chance for me to find out a little background about you and explain how I can help with your individual challenges. If we both decide that we’re a good fit to work together, you can book a coaching appointment at a time that works for you.
Once a coaching session is confirmed you’ll receive an email listing the details with a link to a personality quiz (the Ignition Programme, my youth personal development system) and an optional questionnaire to gather more information in advance.
The coaching session will always be face-to-face, either in person or by video conferencing software (usually Zoom). For the sessions to gain the best optimal outcome, we need to see each other. It is more effective, and the outcomes achieved more quickly, to have as many senses present as possible!
I’ve worked remotely with clients for many years, so this way of coaching has not only been introduced since the Covid-19 pandemic. No matter where you are in the world, there are no challenges around location, timing, traffic or parking!
The session will cover:
• What you can expect me
• What I expect from you
• The outcomes you want to achieve
You will be reassured that the sessions and content discussed will always remain confidential (regardless of age, gender, sexual identity and personal or work circumstances). Unless there is a safeguarding issue that I need to report to protect you or someone else, there is no need to divulge any information to anyone, or outside the room.
All I’ll say if anyone asks, such as a parent, carer, teacher or partner, is, ‘We had a great conversation’. You, however, can choose to tell whoever you want to and share as much or as little as you want. That’s up to you.
“Growth and comfort do not coexist.”
Ginni Rometty
Choose the life you want to lead
There’s no challenge too big or too small. It doesn’t matter where your life began or where it is now. If you are committed to your world being different then so am I. You show up with the will to change and together we’ll find the what, when, where and how to achieve it, and off you’ll go with the tools, tips and skills you need to make it happen.
So now you know what happens during a Back on Track Teens session. If you want to know more for yourself, or care for someone you think will benefit from seeing me, please reach out in confidence by emailing me here.
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Until next time, take good care of your thoughts.
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