Defeat the menace of bullying with kind words and compassion

Quote with two teenagers either side of it

Defeat the menace of bullying with kind words and compassion

Differences should be celebrated and in choosing kindness people can co-exist together more easily and happily, which is what World Kindness Day on November 13th is all about.

Rather than falling back on judgement and allowing yourself to gradually succumb to bitterness, anger, or frustration, take a minute to stop and see things from the point of view of others. Then treat them with kindness.

Everyone has their own battles to face, whether it appears that way or not, and just a little compassion and kindness goes a long way.


“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” Plato


Beating bullying with kindness

November also sees Anti-bullying Week take place and kindness is a natural antidote. Kindness has such a strong, lasting power that it is a powerful countermeasure to bullying. Bullying comes from a place of bitterness – belittling others to try to make yourself feel better or superior. This is a hollow and unrewarding road to take. Bullies themselves will become isolated, trapped in an angry world. Being mean to another person will never make you feel better.

Kindness, however, is the gift that keeps on giving. If you show someone kindness and compassion you will feel good about yourself. It is kindness that makes the world a better place. Kindness is catching. If you show kindness and compassion to someone they will, in turn, be kind to someone else. Children in particular will model their parents’ behaviour when it comes to showing kindness and compassion.

It’s a choice that we can all make, so make the right one and lead the best example to make the world a kinder, more accepting place.


“If they don’t like you for being yourself, be yourself even more.” Taylor Swift


Building a skillset for the future: Career planning

Planning ahead and equipping yourself, or other young people, to attain a rewarding career is part and parcel of leading a happy and rewarding life. What better time to start thinking about a future career than during National Career Development Month?

Knowing how to identify a good career choice requires understanding of your skills, natural talents and what you enjoy doing. Getting this right can lead you on the path to a rewarding career and future.

To help young people make the right decisions for themselves and know where to look for help, Back on Track Teens is planning a mini-series that focuses specifically on career development and where to find the help and inspiration that young people need to make informed choices.

Being supported in making the right choices from a young age is crucial to enjoying happiness and fulfilment through life.

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” Stephen Covey

Teenage girl in striped t-shirt next to a quote


Every month, we check out what’s relevant in the coming days to help people to grow within themselves and take on positive learnings from special days or remembering events from the past. Here’s what to look out for this month.

World Kindness Day, November 13

On World Kindness Day people across the globe are encouraged to undertake spontaneous, or planned, acts of kindness just for no reason other than to make the world a better place. Buy someone a drink, give a surprise gift or do something nice for someone to see the power of kindness in action. 


Anti-bullying Week, 15-19 November

Dig out your odd socks and get ready to show that it’s ok to be different. Tackling bullying directly with kindness is behind this year’s theme of ‘one kind word’. Focusing on positive ways to deal with bullying, it encourages people to stop and say ‘hello’, say ‘sorry’ and to generate more kindness through their own words. 


International Men’s Day, 19 November

International Men’s Day promotes male positivity and wellbeing, recognising the value men bring to the world and their families. The day promotes good roles models and the importance of sharing strong values. This year the focus is on ‘better relations between men and women’ with a view to creating a fair and equal society.


Transgender Day of Remembrance, 20 November

Started in 1999, Transgender Day of Remembrance is a time to reflect on those who lost their lives to anti-transgender violence. Intolerance continues but with education and young people sharing their experiences to promote tolerance and support others, attitudes can change. For more advice and support see the Back on Track Teens mini-series on sexual and gender identity.


Choose the life you want to lead

Kindness is something we hear people asking for more and more, especially with the inescapable presence of social media. Recognising that others sometimes need a lift through a few kind words will mean that people will do the same in return to you. 

Choosing the person that you want to be in life means focusing on your values. This will lead you to professional and personal success. For inspiration to support you in this read The Spark to Your Success.

Share your random acts of kindness with us or find support if you have encountered intolerance. Find us on social media at:

Bullying has no place in our society and by promoting and practising kindness you can help to defeat it and show that there is a better way.


“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” Henry James

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