Get your mind and body working to bring success

mind and body

Get your mind and body working to bring success

Have you ever considered just how strong the connection is between your mind and your body?

Truly understanding how the interplay between mind and body guides your life choices, health and wellbeing can be life-changing.

The fuel you choose to power your body, the way you think and the actions you take all have a huge impact on your life. While your mind controls what your body does, like a puppet master, what you choose to do with your body also has the power to influence the way your mind works.


“Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle.”
Jules Robson


How well are you treating your body?

With June ushering in Nutrition and Hydration Week, Healthy Eating Week and World Wellbeing Week – this month is a great time to reassess how you are treating your body, and how healthy your mind and body are.

The way you look after your body will impact your mind as well as any stresses and experiences. Chronic stress, bad eating habits, alcohol, poor sleep and a lack of exercise will take a toll on your overall wellbeing, affecting the decisions you make and the thoughts you have. In a continuous mind-body cycle these thoughts will then impact how you act.


“Nurturing yourself is not selfish – it’s essential to your survival and your well-being.”
Renee Peterson Trudeau


Support your own health

If you nourish your body by eating well and taking care of yourself, your mind will feel good as well as your body, and your thoughts will prompt positive actions that set you on the path to success in life. Just for a month commit to focusing on what you eat and drink – and consider how it impacts your health.

Concentrate on eating to support your health with a diet that is packed with fruit and vegetables and keep sugary snacks to a minimum. Eat mindfully and follow the traffic light system, mainly choosing the green-rated foods. Food is fuel for your brain and food for life so give yourself the best chance to feel good and make each day a success by eating healthy food. And don’t forget to stay hydrated by drinking the recommended 6-8 glasses of water a day – this is essential to keep your mind and body working at their best.

One area of your life where you will always have control is what you choose to eat and drink, how much sleep you get and how much exercise you do. These life ingredients are so important to how you feel in your body and mind. Choose well and live well.


“Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.”
Bethenny Frankel


Find out more

To discover more about the link between body and mind, and how you can support your wellbeing, look out for TeeJay’s latest book due to be published at the end of summer. The third in the Back on Track Teens series this book looks in depth at how the mind and body work together – and how you can use this knowledge to support your success.


“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”
Mahatma Gandhi


Dates for your diary in June

Nutrition and Hydration Week, 14-20 June

This week shines a light on good nutrition and hydration so what are you waiting for? Commit to drinking eight glasses of water, ditch the sugar and choose healthy options.

British Nutrition Foundation’s 10th Healthy Eating Week, 13-17 June

The aim of healthy eating week is to get as many people as possible making better choices about what they eat. There is a theme for each day of the week to help you focus on eating healthily. There are also lots of resources available online to set you off on the right track.

World Wellbeing Week, 21-30 June

World Wellbeing Week looks to promote all the various factors that add up to being happy and healthy, such as a rewarding job, good health, friends and financial security. This is a great opportunity to carry out a wellbeing check on yourself and to think if there are any aspects of your life you could change to support better wellbeing.


“Sufficient sleep, exercise, healthy food, friendship, and peace of mind are necessities, not luxuries.”
Mark Halperin


Choose the life you want to lead

Living the life that you want to lead means supporting the choices that allow you do that – especially when it comes to your health. Looking after your health through what you eat and the decisions that you make will support good wellbeing and emotional stability.

Good mental wellbeing allows you to make clear, strong decisions that help you to reach your life goals. Put the foundations in place today to lead the life that you want tomorrow.

Have you changed your life through diet and exercise, or overcome issues that affected your health? What tips do you have for people struggling to make healthier choices to live a better life? Share your thoughts and  advice with our online community via:

Take the first steps towards the future that you want by adopting healthier habits to support your body and mind in working together to support you.

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