28 Feb How everyday IT challenges teach us to bounce back stronger
Technology has been so important to our lives during the past year – allowing us to work, learn, communicate and socialise.
But, as we know all too well, technology can also be seriously frustrating and leave things out of our hands.
However, this should not all be seen as a frustrating experience but also as a life lesson in patience, being flexible and learning find a better solution for the long-term.
Struggles with technology could, in fact, be seen as a metaphor for struggles faced in life, the lessons learned and how we bounce back stronger and more knowledgeable.
When you can’t carry on bounce back stronger
Some days you wake up with a drive, a sense of urgency and positivity that you are on a mission and are going to smash all your targets.
You turn up on time, with all the right equipment and a positive mindset…only to find out that everything goes wrong.
I know this feeling all too well. I’ve certainly been there and done that. Recently I had an online webinar scheduled where security was important, so it meant using a different platform than I’m used to.
The long and the short of it is that I ended up stuck on mute! So frustrating. It didn’t matter what the IT person tried, there was no sound for the 15 people who were sitting there at their screens waiting to hear what I had to say.
After two-and-a-half hours of logging in and out we had to accept defeat and reschedule the webinar.
The point is that these things happen to all of us; sometimes there are days like this when things go wrong. The important thing is the lesson we take from the experience.
Bounce back stronger with a lesson learned
Knowing when to call it a day is important. If something is not going to work, then you’re better off walking away and coming back to it later. Take stock, rethink and try it a different way. Sometimes, as I learned, it is worth having a trial run.
Most importantly though, learn how to let it go and have a laugh where you can. These things happen to everyone. Don’t get angry or frustrated, instead accept that you did your best. It clearly was never meant to be.
I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason, and that the reason is positive. Even though this may not immediately be apparent, there is usually a lesson to be learned.
Sometimes this can be a lesson in patience and how to be more tolerant to get the best out of life. This was certainly the case for me and the attendees of my webinar.
Think back – have you had any recent lessons in patience? Have technical issues tested your tolerance to the limit? There has been so much of this as our lives moved online – weak internet signals, disrupted zoom lessons, failed logins, navigating new platforms.
Rather than explode in a rage; step back, take a few deep breaths and think about what you can change if possible.
Find a better way forward
As well as testing your patience personally, technical challenges are also testing the existing system – the accepted way of doing things. Look at online lessons and working from home. Who would have imagined that this would be reality on a large scale week-in week-out? But as a country it has been, by and large, it has worked.
It has worked so well that some companies will never return to full-time office hours. How many of you have actually been able to communicate more easily with friends and family who live a distance away?
Sometimes, to create something better for the future, tough lessons take place to discover what works and what doesn’t. This is a great metaphor for life: You must go through these lessons to find out what does work and what doesn’t work.
Through challenges and testing situations, ultimately solutions are found that show the best way forward. It often works magnificently in the long run.
Take time to enjoy the things you love as well as facing challenges
It’s not all about facing challenges. Part of being robust and having the ability to bounce back stronger from life’s challenges is to destress, decompress and do something that you love.
If that’s a quiet day at home away from the craziness of the world embrace that feeling and make time for it. Get yourself re-organised, reconnect with your priorities and give yourself time to relax.
It might even be that you need time to plan in new adventures and variety to shake-up your routine and reignite your passion for life. With work, school and college, routine and rhythm help to get things done.
Restrictions have made the world a little smaller, so you might have fallen into a routine that has left you bored. Find a way to fulfil this need positively. Get outside more, start exercising, learn about something new or just do something a little out of the ordinary like visit a new place.
Taking that first step to do something new and different can sometimes be a challenge. But once you have done something once, even if you have had to get help to get it right, when you return you will know what to do. This is the same for everyone the first time they try something, however confident they may appear on the outside.
That’s what life’s about. Take the lessons, enjoy the process and know that next time it’s going to be so much easier.
Challenge yourself and learn
So, when challenges present themselves and things go wrong, ask yourself why you are frustrated about it? Try not to be impatient, upset or annoyed. This could ruin your day when it a setback doesn’t have to. Look for the lesson and the positive message. Did someone help you? Did you learn about the process and find a better way? It will certainly be easier next time.
One thing is for sure, technology and all its gremlins is here to stay. I’m sure we have all had experiences good and bad with this over the past year. This will have taught us a lot in discovering new processes, sharing knowledge and finding a better way. It will no doubt have also strengthened our patience.
What have been your technical challenges? How are you learning and growing through embracing new technology? Love it or hate it, it is advancing at a pace and it is awesome. Have you been frustrated by your gaming console and struggling to connect online? Or have you taught your grandparents how to use FaceTime and WhatsApp to keep in touch?
Choose the life you want to lead
The need to keep pace and persevere with technology shows us how to learn lessons, be patient and bounce back stronger to find better solutions in life. Let us know your struggles with technology and how you keep moving forward in life to embrace all things new.
Get in touch with me directly, leave your thoughts in our comments section or connect with us on social media.
Keep growing, keep trying to find better solutions and instead of becoming frustrated when things don’t go to plan look for the lessons learned.
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